Sunday, January 1, 2012


I have successfully completed my first semester of Graduate School at CCNY. Wow, what a feeling. This past semester has been absolutely incredible. I have grown and learned so much in just a few short months from my Professors, fellow classmates, and many readings. And as you can see by the blog title, hard work pays off as I have a perfect GPA.

I couldn't have asked for a better program. I love the Ed Theatre program at CCNY. Everytime I walk out of class I feel so fulfilled. Going to class actually gets me pumped, I look forward to it all week. Passion for what you are studying makes all the work easier because you enjoy it, at least I do.

Highlight of the semester:
In October, I co-facilitated a 2 hour theatre workshop focused on Success, for families from the Help USA homeless shelter. It was such a rewarding experience to use theatre as a tool for self-exploration for our participants. We completed our workshop creating dream boards to remind us of our own personal idea of success, and goals to get us there. Below is a picture of me making my dream board.

Also, here is a link to the newsletter for the month of October for the School of Education at CCNY and a lil blurb about the workshop, including photo. Just scroll down, to the Educational Theatre section. I'm second from the right.

"Imagination is a muscle. You must keep it exercised."

-Michael Rohd