Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'm an unlicked cub!

From: "Four Dogs and a Bone"
By: John Patrick Shanley (one of my favorite Playwrights)

BRADLEY: Once there was a great big pregnant bear.

VICTOR: Are you really doing this?

BRADLEY: And after a painful labor, she gave birth to seven baby bears.

VICTOR: Seven.

BRADLEY: So she was very tired.


BRADLEY: And she looked at her seven babies, and they were all gooey and slimy with afterbirth. And in that miraculous way that Nature has built the bear, she felt in her heart a tremendous welling up of material feeling.

VICTOR: Maternal feeling.

BRADLEY: Right. And this maternal feeling filled her with strength, so she licked and licked and licked her babies, one after the other, rendering them clean and fresh and beautiful. That is until she got to the seventh little bear. Right then, she ran out of gas, hadda seizure, and dropped dead. Muerto. And the six, well-tended little bears, with their beautiful brown coats, shed a tear, a tender tear, and bounded off into the woods. To have wonderful lives. And the seventh cub, the unlicked cub, went into show business."

And I'm the last child out of four... NO WONDER!