(Taken from Talia's Acting Journal, 5/29/10 entry)
So, I have been rehearsing for an original play, Coda (for Freddie Blue). Its an original piece, which will be playing at The Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre.
As the lead, it has felt overwhelming at times. Trying to memorize chunks of monologues and very lengthy scenes, along with everything else I have to do in my life. But I'm coming along. I really like the character. All the characterization work I'm doing is really helping me understand her and bring her to life. She is really intense to play. Her emotional arch throughout the play is more like a circle. I think that by the end of each performance, I would have experienced so many hightened emotions a human can experience within 2 hours.
Because of the time constraint, I have made sure to do all of my characterization homework. I haven't put this much effort in a role in a while it seems; scoring my script, writing bios and givens, reviewing all directional notes before rehearsals. It feels good to really engage in the process, which I love. I enjoy the process more than the product sometimes when it comes to doing a show. I have also learned to let go and not become the character, but let her become me. I am so excited to do this production.